viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

Assiggments 5 B
Studio work N 2 :Pop Art Collages
Based on the artist you´ve choosen create an image based on his formal elements, theme and/or technique.
This can be a collage, a painting or a drawing depending on the artist.
I´ve include Mimmo Rotella´s work because I think this technique (collage with different cut out) is the easiest to aplly at home. You will need to do this:
  • white pages
  • magasines, cut outs, advertisments of any kind
  • pair of scissors and glue!

Think before you start why this artist was working with these ideas and images, and which one would you choose to create an image that belongs to your own time!!

Assignment 4 B Constructivism:

  • Based on the text, create a REPORT from the artists: Piet Mondrian and Kasimir Malevich.
  • Rememebr to manage both visually and in written form the information; you are expected to transfer useful data in a visually rich form, designing the report according to the characteristics of the artists.
  • Make a sketch in black pencil using similar formal elements from these artists! (Forms and values in different compositions)
We will reproduce these forms with volumne at school (Paper Sculptures)
Any doubt please ask me!

martes, 7 de julio de 2009

Assignements for 1st, 2nd and 3rd years

Dear children,
Delfina & I are posting activities for these two weeks at home. You are all expected to do them in your WBs following these guidelines: all the information included must be HANDWRITTEN (which implies reading, sumarizing and rewriting every text) illustrated with full-colour, high quality pictures and if possible, your own sketches. Remember what we´ve said in class: we are dealing with Visual Arts, you are learning to manage both visually and in written form information related to Art; you are always expected to transfer useful data in a visually rich form, designing every page of your WB so taht it reflects your understanding of each topic.

1st years: Romanticism is our next movement in History of Art so you will read the notes in your booklets and summarize it in your WBs. You will search in the websites we recommended for extra information on these artists mentioned in the notes: Delacroix (France), Goya (Spain), Friedrich (Germany) and Turner (England). Concentrate on the artists' style, what made each of them be so unique, so different one from the other rather than on excesive, uninteresting biographical data.

2nd years: read on Post-Impressionism and summarize it in your WBs. You will find it easy since it is a step forward on Impressionist principles. The new element will be the differences among the artists: Van Gogh, Seurat, Cezanne, Gauguin and Toulouse Lautrec and mostly, their STYLES. The Musse D'Orsay website will be extremely useful for this task, since all its collection is devoted to Imp/Post-Imp!Hope you enjoy working with such colourful works!!!!!

3rd years: basically, you should carry on with the individual investigation you had started in class. Any furhter questions, please write to us.

All these assignements will be due on the first lesson after the winter holidays: Wed 5 and Frid 7 of August, to be handed in for correction and marking.
Kind regards,
Delfina & Silvina